Summary of iLab's operation

Jimmy Draper made this Freedom of Information request to iLab Training Authority

This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

The request was successful.

Dear iLab Training Authority,

Please provide me a summary of iLab's operation

Yours faithfully,

Jimmy Draper


Carter Draper, iLab Training Authority

1 Attachment

Hi Jimmy,
Thank you for requesting information from iLab.
Please find attached the requested as well visit our
website [1] for more about our operations.
Sncerely yours,
iLab PIO
Carter J. Draper                                               
Director of Programs
*iLab_ Liberia
Twitter:       @draperc
Skype:        carter.j.draper
Mobile #s:    [2]+231.88.640.3018/ [3]+


Visible links
2. http://+231.88.640.3018/
3. http://+