Information on Community Development Funds paid by Aureus Mining Company

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Ministry of Finance and Development Planning should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Ministry of Finance and Development Planning,
Dear Ministry of Finance and Development Planning,

I write to kindly request from the Ministry of Finance all record
of payments of Community Development Funds (CDF) made by Aureus
Mining Company operating in Grand Cape Mount County to the affected
communities as required by Law.
As you may be aware, Section 15.1 a. of the Mineral Development
Agreement (MDA) signed between the Government of Liberia and Aureus
Mining Company requires that the “company, (Aureus) shall make the
following contribution into a fund established for community
development purposes ( the “Community Development Fund”):
1. Contract year 1-2, a contribution of US$100,000
2. Contract year 3-4, a contribution of US$150,000
3. Contract year 5-10, a contribution of US$200,000
4. Contract year 11 through the end of the Original Term, a
contribution of US$250,000
In view of the aforementioned, we would kindly like to know from
the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Finance and
Development Planning as to how much money has been received from
Aureus Mining Company as CDF and how has the government use said
fund in the interest of the affected community or county.

Yours faithfully,

Roland M. Perry
Extractive Media Watch