A breif profile of the township of West point
Dear Ministry of Information, Culture & Tourism,
I am a medical student of the A.M. Dolgliotti College of Medicine in Liberia. I am doing a research on the West Point community. I would love to have a document/documents relating to this community.
Yours faithfully,
Dahn Henry Tyler
Hello Dahn Tyler
thanks for your request on the west point community. we regret not
responding on time due to technical reasons which have been handle. The
information requested will be fetch and submitted within 48 hours, that is
if it is in this Ministry possession.
thanks for your understanding.
best regards
Dear Dahn Tyler
compliments, i regret to inform you that this Ministry does not hold a
record containing the information which you seek. i think it is likely
that the information is held by the Ministry of Health and i ask that you
refer your application to them.
if you have questions please get in touch with me. you have the right to
request an internal review of my decision. you can apply for this in
writing to MICAT FOI internal review board, within 30 calendar days of
receipt of this mail. if any dissatisfaction you have the opportunity to
appeal to the Independent Information Commissioner of Liberia.
yours sincerely
Elvis F. Towalid