Liberia National Police

A public authority, also called LNP

5 requests
Kindly have me informed on how effective is the police professional standard division amidst high bribery scandals, drug trafficking and crime facilit...
Datasets of Crime statistics for 2014
Response by Liberia National Police to Carter Draper on .

Awaiting classification

This how the certificate of business registration looks like.
Arm robbery request
Request sent to Liberia National Police by Boikai A.V. Sirleaf on .

Long overdue

Arm robbery statistics for the month of May Yours faithfully, Boikai A.V. Sirleaf
The new Deputy Director Operation
Request sent to Liberia National Police by William S. F. Cole on .

Awaiting classification

Please send me the name of the newly appointed Deputy Director for Operations. Yours faithfully, William S. F. Cole

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