Public authorities

Found 45 public authorities

Also called BIN. This is the Bureau of Immigration and Nationalization
2 requests.
Also called CSA. The Civil Service Agency
2 requests.
Also called EPS. This is the Executive Protection Service
1 request.
Also called FDA. This is the Forestry Development Authority
1 request.
Also called GSA. The General Service Agency
2 requests.
Also called iLab Liberia. This is an official authority for the training of PIOs
4 requests.
Also called IIC.
7 requests.
Also called LRC. The Law Reform Commission
1 request.
Also called LAA. This is the Liberia Airport Authority
1 request.
Also called LACC. This is the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission
2 requests.
Also called LCC. This is the Liberia Chambers of Commerce
1 request.
Also called LIPA. This is the Liberia Institute of Public Administration
0 requests.
Also called LNFS. This is the Liberia National Fire Service
1 request.
Also called LNP. The Liberian National Police
5 requests.
Also called LRA. This is the Liberia Revenue Authority
1 request.
Also called LTA. This is the Liberia Telecommunications Authority
0 requests.
Also called LIBTELCO. This is the Liberia Telecommunications Corporation (LIBTELCO)
0 requests.
Also called MGCSP. This is the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection
0 requests.
Also called MoYS. This is the Minister of Youth and Sports
1 request.
Also called MOA. This is the Ministry of Agriculture
1 request.
Also called MOCI. This is the Ministry of Commerce and Industry
4 requests.
Also called MOE.
6 requests.
Also called MFDP. This is the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning
8 requests.
Also called MOFA. This is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
6 requests.
Also called MoGCSP. This is the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection.
3 requests.
Also called MOHSW.
4 requests.
The Ministry of Information
8 requests.
Also called MIA.
13 requests.
Also called MOJ.
3 requests.
Also called MOL. This is the Ministry of Labor.
0 requests.
Also called MLME. This is Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy
1 request.
Also called MOD. The Ministry of Defence
6 requests.
Also called MOPT. The Ministry of Post & Telecommunications
3 requests.
Also called mopw.
3 requests.
Also called MSPA. This is the Executive Mansion/Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs
1 request.
Also called MOT. This is Ministry of Transport
1 request.
Also called MCSS. This is the Monrovia Consolidated School System
1 request.
Also called NHA. This is the National Housing Authority
2 requests.
Also called NIC. This is the National Investment Commission
0 requests.
Also called NPA. This is the National Port Authority
1 request.
Also called NASSCORP.
1 request.
Also called NTA. This is the National Transit Authority
1 request.
Also called PPCC. This is the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission
2 requests.
Also called Legislature. This is the Liberian Legislature (The Senate & The House)
3 requests.

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