iLab Training Authority
A public authority, also called iLab Liberia
This is an official authority for the training of PIOs
4 requests
1 follower
How many training was conducted by iLab Liberi under the period review, from December 2015- July 2016?
Who are beneficiary to your training?
An overview of ilab training budget
Request sent to iLab Training Authority by David Q. Beekeh on .
Long overdue.
Kindly send me an overview of ilab training budget for fiscal year 2015/16.
Yours faithfully,
D. Q. Beekeh
Hi Jimmy,
Thank you for requesting information from iLab.
Please find attached the requested as well visit our
website [1] for more a...
Testing April 6 Workshop
Response by iLab Training Authority to Jimmy Draper on .
Awaiting classification.
Here is your reply .
Carter J. Draper
Director of Programs
*iLab_ Liberia
Twitter: @draper...
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